Narayanan vd

Narayanan vd

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How to Read the *.mdb(microsoft access) files using sql server 2005

Mar 5 2012 12:35 AM


Please solve this error ?

I   want to read the mdb file and push the data to  tables in  Sql Server 2005

i am using the code like:

exec sp_linkedserver 'linkedadvisor','Acess','Microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0',@mdbfilepath


select * from opendatasource('Microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0','datasource='path')...tbl_name

I  am getting an error like "Msg 7303  Level 16, State 1
Cannot initialize the datasoure oblect  ole db provider 'Microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0' for linked server "null"

but its working in Sql Server 2008

Tanks & Regards

Answers (4)