How to read a LUA file in C#

Oct 5 2005 11:28 AM
Hello, before re-inventing the wheel ( :) ), after after some unsuccessful research, do you know if there is any library, or free code floating around to read a LUA file ? To be precise, some application (Raidtracker for World of Warcraft) saves a file LUA-scripted (or so I think, see for yourself), and I'd like to code a program that read those infos. [code] CT_RaidTracker_RaidLog = { [1] = { ["Leave"] = { [1] = { ["player"] = "player1", ["time"] = "09/18/05 23:10:19", }, [2] = { ["player"] = "player2", ["time"] = "09/18/05 23:14:46", }, }, ["Notes"] = { }, ["Loot"] = { [1] = { }, [2] = { ["player"] = "Papuasu", ["item"] = { ["type"] = "Other", }, }, }, } [/code] Thanks a lot.