Warren Dulnuone

Warren Dulnuone

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How to print like the passbook in Bank Transactions?

Apr 10 2020 6:16 PM
It's easy to print reports using Crystal Report, FastReport or Xtrareports by Devexpress etc. My problem here is how to print like the one that is like when we go to the bank and deposit or withdraw money, lets say you open a new account , the passbook printer prints using the first transaction, now next week or maybe next month you deposited some money, the teller pulls your account and then process your deposit , how do I print on the next line on the passbook( passbook is the traditional way where our bank transactions are printed) without printing the first transaction? Or Lets say I Filter the report so that only the new transaction can be printed, how do I print this transaction on the 2nd line of a passbook or print to an ordinary bond paper , then once a new transaction is added how do I print on the 3rd line and so on....? Thanks!

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