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How to pass Interface type to ChannelFactory<> without hardcoding the name

May 24 2011 6:53 AM
   I calling a WCF Service using reflections . Where I'm creating a Proxy by using ChannelFactory ,binding and endpoint address.

  Let us think that My ServiceContract Name is ISeravice1.

I'm creating a Proxy and calling a specific method in this way:

using (ChannelFactory<T> cf = new ChannelFactory<T>(binding, uri))
                object oProxy = cf.CreateChannel();
                Type oType = oProxy.GetType();
                MethodInfo oMeth = oType.GetMethod(method);
                oMeth.Invoke(oProxy, args);

In the above code I need to pass <T> as my ServiceContact that is IService1.
If I have many Service Contracts then I need to specify all , so I need to remove hardcoding of name of Service Contract.


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