In my Integration documentaion i was told to pass like below
Denomination details: Need to pass currency details in note and coin. DN2000#~DN500#4~DN200#5~DN100#112~DN50#~DN20#~DN10#~DN5#~DN2#~DN1#~DC10#~DC5#~DC2#~DC1#~DC20#
i dont understand what does it mean can u pls explain.
Request: {"ClientUniqueID":"abcd124, "CustomerMobileNo":9832167737, "CustomerName":"regkha", "BeneIFSCCode":"HDFC0400123", "BeneAccountNo":"123434567",` "BeneName":"regkha", "Amount":100, "RFU1":"", "RFU2":" DN2000#~DN500#4~DN200#5~DN100#112~DN50#~DN20#~DN10#~DN5#~DN2#~DN1#~DC10#~DC5#~DC2#~DC1#~DC20#", "RFU3":"" }
and i need to pass my request like this.. for ex: if i Pass 5000 it should pass through that denomination like
1000*1 if coins are there 5*1 like it need to check to that sequence Example :
DN : Denomination Note
DC : Denomination Coin