ray dona

ray dona

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How to overcome linker error

Apr 10 2008 11:46 AM


  Please bear with me, I am new to Visual C++.Net. I have included two projects to a blank solution, one a static class library (named Vending Machine Library), the other a Windows Forms Application (named Vending Machine Controls). In the property pages of the Forms Application, in General under C/C++ folder of Configuration Properties I have typed the relative path to the static library folder:

            ../ Vending Machine Library

Also under Configuration Properties, under Linker folder, under Input, for Additional Dependencies I have typed the relative path to the Debug build of the static library folder:

        ../ Vending Machine Library /Debug/ Vending Machine Library.lib

Despite all this I get the linker error: “fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file '../Vending.obj'     Vending Machine Controls. I have no idea what the error means and how to rectify it. I wonder if anyone has any suggestions? I would be very grateful.

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