Madito Kevin

Madito Kevin

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How to navigate to a record in Datagridview

Apr 6 2015 5:58 AM
I want to navigate to a record in Datagridview by selecting/click on a record without using a button click.
and display a record number,or current record number. 
Please help here is my code snippet.
private void labelUpdate()
if (hwdg.SelectedRows.Count>=inc)
hwdg.FirstDisplayedScrollingRowIndex = inc;
hwdg.Rows[inc].Selected = true;
label27.Text = "Record" + (inc + 1) + " of " + ds2.Tables["tblComp"].Rows.Count;
else if(hwdg.SelectedRows.Count<=inc)
hwdg.Rows[inc - 1].Selected = true;
label27.Text = "Record" + (inc + 1) + " of " + ds2.Tables["tblComp"].Rows.Count;

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