vaquas khan

vaquas khan

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how to merge two crystal report

Jan 5 2010 4:05 AM
i want to merge two crystal report  on basis of its field...

i have two views and create two crystal report 1 and report 2
report1 is create to use table itemMaster and CustomerInvDetails which have field Itemcode,itemdetails join with itemcode
report 2 is create  to use table  CustomerMaster and CustomerInvoice join with CustomerCode.....

how to merge these two reports....

i want my final report look like below

CustomerCode         CustomerName             TotalSale         Productname1.     productName2.......productname 25          Date
1001                          sam                                5455                y                              n                           y                   01/02/2005

these  fields come from    dbo.CustomerMaster.CustomerCode   ,   dbo.CustomerMaster.CustomerName,
dbo.CustomerInvoice.TotalSales   ,dbo.ItemMaster.ProductDescription(ProductName) ,dbo.customerInvoice.Date

how can i make above report...
please help me 
its urgent.....

Answers (2)