Radim Motycka

Radim Motycka

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How to make this class better?

Jun 11 2014 6:06 PM


Please could you advise? I am not completely happy with this class especially with XmlDocument in foreach loop.

Please do you have any idea how to get rid of it?

public class EntryConverter


public IEnumerable<Entry> Convert(IsirPub001Data[] rawEntries)


foreach (var raw in rawEntries)


XmlDocument xmlDocument = new XmlDocument();


Entry entry = new Entry();

entry.Added = raw.cas;

entry.EntryId = raw.id;

entry.Note = raw.poznamka;

entry.DocumentId = raw.spisZnacka;

entry.TypeId = raw.typ;

entry.TypeDescription = raw.typText;

entry.PersonIdFrom = GetNodeValue(xmlDocument, "//idOsobyPuvodcec/text()");

entry.PersonId = GetNodeValue(xmlDocument, "//osoba/idOsoby/text()");

entry.KindRoleAssignement = GetNodeValue(xmlDocument, "//osoba/druhRoleVRizeni/text()");

entry.Name = GetNodeValue(xmlDocument, "//osoba/nazevOsoby/text()");

entry.CompanyIdentificationNumber = GetNodeValue(xmlDocument, "//osoba/ic/text()");

entry.TaxIdentificationNumber = GetNodeValue(xmlDocument, "//osoba/dic/text()");

entry.PersonalIdentificationNumber = GetNodeValue(xmlDocument, "//osoba/rc/text()");

entry.LawFormKind = GetNodeValue(xmlDocument, "//osoba/druhPravniForma/text()");

yield return entry;



private static string GetNodeValue(XmlNode document, string xPathQuery)


return document.SelectSingleNode(xPathQuery).GetValueOrDefault();




Answers (1)