Carlos kambui

Carlos kambui

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  • 126.8k

how to make the attached document big enough for customer

Jun 20 2016 6:05 AM
below is my receipt code when i print using thermal printer the print out are not big for customer how can i increase the size
receipt.Add(malignleft + "----------------------------------------- ")
'receipt.Add("----------------------------------------- ")
receipt.Add(String.Format("{0,-17} {1,17}", "Pin: " & MdlConn.tCompany.company_pinno, "Vat: " & MdlConn.tCompany.company_vatno))
If bill Then
receipt.Add(String.Format("{0,-17} {1,17}", Now.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy hh:mm:ss"), "Bill No: " & tReceipt.receipt_ref))
receipt.Add(String.Format("{0,-17} {1,17}", Now.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy hh:mm:ss"), "Rct No: " & tReceipt.receipt_ref))
End If
If bill Then
receipt.Add("========================================= ")

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