Sunita Salunkhe

Sunita Salunkhe

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how to insert data in database by using web services

Jul 15 2014 8:11 AM
I am new in web services.
I want to run my login.aspx, i have write web service but actully i got connection error with database so where should i made connection in my project
follwing is my login button code
protected void ButtonLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
FlexiQService serviceClient = new FlexiQService();
if (Page.IsValid)
if (TextBoxUserId.Text.Trim() != string.Empty & TextBoxPassword.Text != string.Empty)
object[] obj = serviceClient.AuthenticateWebUser(TextBoxUserId.Text.Trim(), Encrypt.EncryptPassword(TextBoxPassword.Text.Trim()));
if (obj.Length > 0) //Authenticate
string[] parseArray = Parse.ParseObjectArrayToStringArray(obj);
Session["User"] = parseArray;
if ((((string[])Session["User"])[3]).ToLower() == "device")
LabelError.Text = ErrorMessage.loginError;
//Redirect to create survey page.
Response.Redirect("~/Web/Home.aspx", false);

else //Not authenticate
LabelError.Text = ErrorMessage.loginError;
else //If UserId or Password is empty.
LabelError.Text = ErrorMessage.loginError1;
catch (WebException)
LabelError.Text = ErrorMessage.connectionError;
catch (TimeoutException)
LabelError.Text = ErrorMessage.connectionError;
catch (SqlException)
LabelError.Text = ErrorMessage.connectionError;
catch (Exception)
LabelError.Text = ErrorMessage.connectionError;
and this is my web service
[System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapDocumentMethodAttribute("", RequestNamespace="", ResponseNamespace="", Use=System.Web.Services.Description.SoapBindingUse.Literal, ParameterStyle=System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapParameterStyle.Wrapped)]
public object[] AuthenticateWebUser(string loginId, string password) {
object[] results = this.Invoke("AuthenticateWebUser", new object[] {
return ((object[])(results[0]));
 And this is error i got:Unable to read data from the transport connection: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.
can you please suggest any solution

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