Zeeshan  Azim

Zeeshan Azim

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How to implement enum from database

Feb 19 2016 6:22 AM
I have several status in my projects
i.e Select StatusName from  Status
I want to implement enums from database dynamically without T4. For example if I add a record in database table It should automatically reflect in my enum or on other hand if I update the same it should reflect that as well.  
My sample enum is mentioned below
public enum Status
Pending = 1,
Approved = 2,
Rejected = 3,
Cancelled = 4,
Closed = 5,
Update = 7,
Draft = 8,
FLMPending = 9,
FINPending = 10,
HeadPending = 11,
Complete = 12,
OnHold = 13,
FundTransfer = 14,
Received = 15,
UnSettle = 16

Answers (3)