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How to i write to a file in xml?

Feb 13 2015 4:26 AM
How can i write to the file, i don't have textboxes. the user will click from the columns and enter values? here is how i have read the file,
oDataSet = new DataSet();
XmlReadMode omode = oDataSet.ReadXml(PathSelection);
for (int i = 0; i < oDataSet.Tables[2].Rows.Count; i++)
string comment = oDataSet.Tables["data"].Rows[i][2].ToString();
string font = Between(comment, "[Font]","[/Font]");
string datestamp = Between(comment, "[DateStamp]", "[/DateStamp]");
string commentVal = Between(comment, "[Comment]", "[/Comment]");
string[] row = new string[] { oDataSet.Tables["data"].Rows[i][0].ToString(), oDataSet.Tables["data"].Rows[i][1].ToString(), font, datestamp, commentVal };
cboLanguage.Enabled = true;
btnNewfile.Enabled = true;

Answers (1)