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How to give x and y cordinates to pdftable which im adding in document of itextsharp

Sep 23 2011 3:31 AM

Im doing code in C# and creating pdf using Itextsharp.
I have created table using pdftable of Itextsharp.
But now I need to place table on different locations(X and Y co-ordinates) on the document. table data is contiued to next pages which i want but cant give exact positions to table in document.

and if I have used below code, problem is that table data is showing for only one page, i means just one page is creating in below case.
mytable.WriteSelectedRows(0, -1, PositionX, (doc.PageSize.Height - PositionY), writer.DirectContent);
so how i can set positions to table when im adding it in document.
plz help me.

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