Jagapathibabu Banoth

Jagapathibabu Banoth

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How to Get The Data RD services and Response will getting Json

May 15 2023 12:36 PM

> How to Get The Data RD Services  in Source Code and Response will getting Json formation In asp.net

I Have to Given Request Is:


"serviceId": "",

"clientId": "",

"clientSecret": "", "userId": "",

"aadhaarId": "",

"pidBlock": {

"ci": "",

"hmac": "",

"pid": "",

"pidTs": "",

"registeredDeviceCode": "",

"registeredDeviceModelID": "",

"registeredDeviceProviderCode": "",

"registeredDevicePublicKeyCertificate": "",

"registeredDeviceServiceID": "",

"registeredDeviceServiceVersion": "",

"serviceType": "",

"skey": "",

"subType": "",

"udc": ""


"verificationToken": "",


Response Is:


{ "meta": { "status": "",

"code": "",

"description": ""

}, "data":

{ "accessToken": "",

"expiresIn": ""


>When I Given To Request  in That The Parameters in Values are Empty 

>Actually I have no Frontened I have to Worked  Through Controller Class....how to doing Here....



Answers (3)