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How to get image column url of sharepoint using JSOM

Dec 9 2016 5:11 AM
I got image column by the foll.. code,
function loadStructure() {
// alert("test");
//Querying SP using SCOM
var context = new SP.ClientContext.get_current();
var web = context.get_web();
var list = web.get_lists().getByTitle("Employee"); //Employee is SP List containing heirarchy data of the Orgnization
var viewXml = '<View><RowLimit>1200</RowLimit></View>';
var query = new SP.CamlQuery();
this.items = list.getItems(query);
context.load(items, 'Include(Title, Manager,Designation,Image)');// getting image colum
function onLoaded() {
//Adding SCOM return objects to an array
var tasksEntries = [];
// alert('itemsCount');
var itemsCount = items.get_count();
for (i = 0; i < itemsCount; i++) {
var item = items.itemAt(i);
var taskEntry = item.get_fieldValues();//getting field values of each item 
tasksEntries.push(taskEntry);// and Pushing into array tasksEntries
 -------Binding image ,designation of items  tooltip-------
for (var i = 0; i < tasksEntries.length; i++) {
var url=tasksEntries[i].Image.$1_1;//  getting image url in $1_1 if url in image column exists if there is no image url to any item there is no property $1_1
$("div[title=\"" + tasksEntries[i].Title + "\"]").balloon({
contents: '<p style="text-align:center;"><img src ="'+url+'"/></p></br><ul style="list-style:none;"><li style="width:200px;"> Designation :' + tasksEntries[i].Designation + '</li></ul>'
what's the issue is if url is there in image column  showing image and designation if ther is no image url not showing the tool tip at all.what needed is if no image exists it has to show tool tip with desingation. How can i acheieve this.Any Suggestions pls

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