Hello.. I want to ask you how to get file path name hBitmap using C++?? Actually I want to build the robot for my project. I'm using C++ to make it detect 4 pattern and it will stop for a second when it detect any one of that pattern. I had make a code until it can display in GUI but I don't know how to make it detect an image and it will display a character like "Triangle" and this robot will stop for a second. Can you help me? I also include my code...
void CSample_API_AppDlg::OnGetImage() { SetTimer(ID_CLOCK_TIMER,100,NULL);}void CSample_API_AppDlg::OnTimer(UINT nIDEvent){ // TODO: Add your message handler code here and/or call default switch(nIDEvent) { case ID_CLOCK_TIMER: int width, height; unsigned char *image = (unsigned char *)malloc(320*240*3);
RR_API rr;
// open up RoboRealm if it is not already running. Note you may need to change // the path on this. rr.open("c:\\www\RoboRealm\\bin\\RoboRealm.exe", 6060);
if (!rr.connect("localhost")) { printf("RoboRealm does not appear to be running.\nPlease run RoboRealm and try again."); exit(0); }
if (hBitmap) DeleteObject(hBitmap);
hBitmap = rr.getBitmap("processed", image, &width, &height, 320*240*3);
imageCtl.SetBitmap(hBitmap); rr.disconnect();
free(image); break; } CDialog::OnTimer(nIDEvent);}
Your kindness are really appreciated...