Pintu Master

Pintu Master

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How to get exp in mvc

Jun 23 2016 1:14 PM
I Passed out in 2010 with B.E(IT) degree. On 1st feb 2011 I joined one private hospital in indore. There they have in house built software i.e. Hospital Mangement System(HospitalERP). Which was developed using visual studio 2005, coding language was c# and database was in sql 2008.. I worked there till May 2015 after that I resigned without having next job in hand. The reason was, basically it was a windows application not web based so NO ASP OR ASP.NET OR MVC and the hospital management was not at all interested in upgrading the HospitalERP in new technologies and there I was getting salary of 15000 that too after working 4.3 years. So the work was mainly of support , solving errors etc. I also applied on and the call I was getting demand experience in , mvc, jquery, javascript etc which I don’t have so after getting frustrated I resigned and did mvc and html5 certification from NIIT. But the problem of live project experience is still there and I am unable to get job, I did attend several interviews in which I was able to answer question related to c# and sql because I have experience in these and I was also able to answer most of the questions reated to mvc and html 5 , jquery but still they are asking me of experience of atleast 1 year. SO WHAT TO DO NOW? HOW TO GET THE JOB ? IS HOSPITAL EXPERIENCE WILL GET CONSIDERED BECAUSE IT WAS NOT AN IT COMPANY I WAS ON PAYROLL OF HOSPITAL? AND HOW TO FILL THE GAP AFTER MAY 2015 TILL DATE( I CAN SHOW THE NIIT CERTIFICATION BUT THAT WILL COVER ONLY 3 MONTHS ).

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