ahmed salah

ahmed salah

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How to get current windows user logged to add it on my application for

Jan 24 2024 6:53 AM

I work on asp.net mvc application csharp . i face issue i can't get user name windows who submit click on my web application so on my application i have user details page have submit button when i click on submit button i will get current windows logged in and insert it on database so How to get current windows user that submit click on user details page my web application hosted on IIS . so are there are any way to get current windows user logged on my app so can submit user details example scenario suppose i work on asp.net MVC web application register and add employee who will resignation from company so when user open his page and he need to insert his resignation related to it so i will take windows user logged in and add it on submit page so i will know which user submit application if any way can get user logged to system depend on windows credential so i can register on database as logging so after that i will know which user submit resignation form .

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