Hi Team
I have view and want to get 3 months limit, want to use single query in excel that will populate this so that when i refreshed the spreesheet i get current date of these months. Here is my below, logic.
Create View [dbo].[vw_Adr_Batch_Recipe_Log] AS SELECT TOP (1000) [idx] ,[dt] ,[BatchNrA] ,[BatchNrB] ,[BatchNrC] ,[Recipe] ,[RecipeCode] ,[RecipeDescription] ,[InstructionNo] ,[Shift] FROM [Adroit_Batch_Suite].[dbo].[Adr_Batch_Recipe_Log] WHERE [dt] >= DATEADD(Month, -3, GetDate()); SELECT idx, dt, BatchNrA, BatchNrB, BatchNrC, Recipe, RecipeCode, RecipeDescription, InstructionNo, Shift FROM dbo.vw_Adr_Batch_Recipe_Log WHERE dt >= DATEADD(month, -3, GETDATE());