How to format file sizes?

Mar 7 2012 8:08 PM
Currently I have this code:


        public static class SizeUnit
            public static string FileSizeToString(long size)
                double FileSize = size;
                string[] format = new string[] { "{0} bytes", "{0:0.00} KB", "{0:0.00} MB", "{0:0.00} GB", "{0:0.00} TB" };

                int i = 0;

                while (i < format.Length && FileSize >= 1024)
                    FileSize = (int)(100 * FileSize / 1024) / 100.0;

                return string.Format(format[i], FileSize); 


The problem is I want it to display the size in this format with max 3 numbers!

3.90 MB | 322 KB | 4.33 KB | 300 Bytes | 0 Bytes | 3 MB | 12.5 MB | 300 MB | 32.5 KB | 700 Bytes
I use this code to display the result:





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