V G S Naidu A

V G S Naidu A

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How to fire the Click Event of the linkButton in Gridview

Dec 17 2013 2:07 AM
 we have tried to build gridview with dynamic columns based the data source using the template fields in asp.net through code behind because the no.of columns to display may vary each month.
 For that, to implement we have developed one class "DynamicTemplate" which implements the "ITemplate" interface. In that template fields i have inserted the "LinkButton" in each cell and when i click that cell link button i need to show the one Popup with selected cell value. 

For that i have created one Default.asxp page and wrote the following.

Here the Data showing in gridview is fine. But the issues are 

when we click on the linkButton the page reloads and no grid is displaying after the postback and Css not reapplied.
and for LinkButton the "Click Event" is not firing.
Please provide me the help full information/Sample to show the modal window when we click on the linkButton of the gridview.