Paul Rajs

Paul Rajs

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how to find Missing dates of two dates in C# code

Aug 11 2017 6:07 AM
hi Developers,
i want to get all Missing dates of two dates in C# code dynamically and i need to bind the dates. i have last Inserted record and Current date but i dont know how to bind the missing dates one by one.
this is my database Records
E001 07/08/2017
E001 08/08/2017
E001 11/08/2017
in this record 09/08/2017,10/08/2017 dates are missing i want to bind the two dates one by one.
if suppose my record is like
E001 01/08/2017
E001 11/08/2017
i want to bind the 10 missing dates of database.
friends if anyone of you know please suggest me to how i am done this task.
thanks with
"A man becomes what he thinks about"

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