Sajid Hussain

Sajid Hussain

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How to fetch record in SQL using following use case

May 10 2017 12:35 AM
I have a use case in which I have to get last five password from passwordhistory table,and there two column one md5 encrypted and second is hash ,after retrieving five records then I have to compared these column with new password,after moving them from md5 and hash function,if any record found then return true else return false.
 DECLARE @Password NVARCHAR(200)='admin1952'  
  SELECT  * FROM    
( SELECT TOP 5         
            ChangedPassword AS ChangedPassword ,
                     PasswordChangeHistory.Password_Hash AS Password_Hash    
       FROM      PasswordChangeHistory WITH ( NOLOCK )  
                   INNER JOIN [User] U WITH ( NOLOCK )
 ON PasswordChangeHistory.UserID = U.Id   
        WHERE     PasswordChangeHistory.UserID = @UserID  
       )  AS result     
   WHERE   PasswordChangeHistory.ChangedPassword = dbo.Encrypt_MD5(@Password)  
       OR PasswordChangeHistory.Password_Hash = dbo.Encrypt_SHA2(@Password)

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