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How To Edit a Programm While It Is running

Apr 26 2008 9:09 AM


I read Somewhere That it is possible to Add Delete Or edit into a programm in real time

While it is running or a programm can write itself but it was not told how

could someone please demostrate asimple example for that. FOr instance

using System;

using Sytem.Reflection;

using ....

namespace EditWhileRunning


    public class EditIt


          public int AddTwoNumbers ( int Num1 , Int Num2 )


                     return Num1 + Num2 ;  // could the + sign be changed to - Sign

                                                         // While Running or how can

                                                         // one write a Method       for

                                                          // substration whiel on the fly



    }//end class


}//end namespace




Answers (2)