Hi Developers,
In my project i have to Download a Base64 string as Image. We using ajax call jquery method to bind datas form WEBSERVICE.
I am having Base64 value in Db and Binding Image displaying fine.
When i am try to Download it comes NoImage.png
1. My Cshtml Code
<a id="aIDproof" class="btn bg-maroon margin">Download</a> 2. Jquery Ajax Call Method
function GetCustomerKYCDetails() { var myData = { MobileNumber: $("#txtMobileNumber").val() }
$.ajax({ type: "POST", url: pathIndex("CustomerDetails") + '/CustomerDetails/GetCustomerKYCDetails', dataType: "json", data: AddAntiForgeryToken(myData), --- Success or Failure Response Here --- if Success { // Bind Id_ProofImage image from model var idProofImageUrl = pathIndex("KYCOperation") + list[0].Id_ProofImagePath; $("#aIDproof").attr("href", idProofImageUrl); } 3. Controller
public JsonResult CustomerDetails(string MobileNumber) { CPKYCVerification objresponse = new CPKYCVerification(); int responseCode = 1; string message = "Oops! server down"; var responseContent = objresponse.CustomerDetails(MobileNumber, ref responseCode, ref message); return Json(new { ResponseCode = responseCode, Message = message, ResponseContent = responseContent }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); }
4. Model Class
[XmlElement(ElementName = "Id_Proof")] public string Id_Proof { get; set; } public string Id_ProofImagePath { get { string file = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["KYCDocument"] + Id_Proof; string path = clsCommonCryptography.StringEncrypt(string.Format("{0}|{1}", file, 0)); path = "/Http/Image?q=" + clsCommonCryptography.Base64ForUrlEncode(path); return path; } }
public string Id_ProofImageExtension { get { string _Id_ProofImagePathExtension = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Id_Proof)) { string[] proof = Id_Proof.Split('.'); _Id_ProofImagePathExtension = proof[proof.Length - 1]; } return _Id_ProofImagePathExtension; } } 5. Model Binding Class
public object GetCustomerKYCDetails(string Mobile, ref int responseCode, ref string message) { response = proxy.GetCustomerDetails(request); CustomerDetails.Models.Helper.GeneralHelper.Log_Handler(this.GetType().Name, System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name, response, 1); response = clsCommonCryptography.StringDecrypt(response); using (TextReader sr = new StringReader(response)) { XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.LoadXml(response); responseCode = Convert.ToInt32(doc.GetElementsByTagName("STATUSCODE")[0].InnerText); message = doc.GetElementsByTagName("STATUS")[0].InnerText; if (responseCode == 0) { var serializer = new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(typeof(CustomerDetails.Areas.KYCOperation.Models.KYCOperation.CPKYCVerification.CustomerKYCVerificationResponse)); objResponseContent = (CustomerDetails.Areas.KYCOperation.Models.KYCOperation.CPKYCVerification.CustomerKYCVerificationResponse)serializer.Deserialize(sr); objResponseContent = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(objResponseContent); } } return objResponseContent; } Kindly verify the codes which am using , if anyone know the solution kindly help me to done this task.
Sorry for brief code because i have tried a lot.
Thanks & Regards,