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How to display the record and use NEXT and Prev buttons?

Jan 7 2005 8:12 PM
Please help me I don't know who else to ask or go for help to: I want to display a RAND_ID (which is just an id in my table), but when the user presses button next I want to show next ip in the row. My code: BindingManagerBase bmStud; OracleConnection conn; try { conn = new OracleConnection("User Id=system;Password=serv123;Data Source=;"); conn.Open(); DataAdpt = new OracleDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM info", conn); CmdBuild = new OracleCommandBuilder(DataAdpt); DataSet1 = new DataSet("info"); DataTable1 = new DataTable("info"); DataAdpt.Fill(DataSet1,"info"); bmStud = this.BindingContext[DataSet1, "info"]; // How can I do what I asked for <<>> conn.Close(); } catch(Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("There was some error connecting to the database.", "DB Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error) ; }

Answers (2)