Hello all,I am hoping someone here will be able to help me convert two examples to using SqlDataSource. These are the two examples:
In the first example, I am able to display the grid values from a SqlDataSource but when I select a grid row, I am unable to display its details. If someone can show me how to modify the code at the top to work with a SqlDataSource, I would be very grateful. Further, if it would be possible to add a New, Save, and delete button to that first example, that is really what I am trying to get. The full code is at the example site, but I believe the area that needs to be updated is:
<script runat="server"> protected void RowSelect(object sender, AjaxEventArgs e) { string employeeID = e.ExtraParams["EmployeeID"];
Employee empl = Employee.GetEmployee(int.Parse(employeeID));
this.EmployeeID.Text = empl.EmployeeID.ToString(); this.FirstName.Text = empl.FirstName; this.LastName.Text = empl.LastName; this.Title.Text = empl.Title; if(empl.ReportsTo.HasValue) { Employee reportsTo = Employee.GetEmployee(empl.ReportsTo.Value); this.ReportsTo.Text = reportsTo != null ? reportsTo.LastName : ""; } this.HireDate.SelectedDate = empl.HireDate.HasValue ? empl.HireDate.Value : DateTime.MinValue; this.Extension.Text = empl.Extension; this.Address.Text = empl.Address; this.City.Text = empl.City; this.PostCode.Text = empl.PostalCode; this.HomePhone.Text = empl.HomePhone; this.TitleCourt.Text = empl.TitleOfCourtesy; this.BirthDate.SelectedDate = empl.BirthDate.HasValue ? empl.BirthDate.Value : DateTime.MinValue; this.Region.Text = empl.Region; this.Country.Text = empl.Country; this.Note.Text = empl.Notes; }
protected void Store1_Refresh(object sender, StoreRefreshDataEventArgs e) { this.Store1.DataBind(); }</script>
<SelectionModel> <ext:RowSelectionModel runat="server" SingleSelect="true"> <AjaxEvents> <RowSelect OnEvent="RowSelect" Buffer="250"> <EventMask ShowMask="true" Target="CustomTarget" CustomTarget="#{Details}" /> <ExtraParams> <%-- or can use params[2].id as value --%> <ext:Parameter Name="EmployeeID" Value="this.getSelected().id" Mode="Raw" /> </ExtraParams> </RowSelect> </AjaxEvents> </ext:RowSelectionModel> </SelectionModel>
Thank you in advance for any help.Jay