Rocky Rocky

Rocky Rocky

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how to display details from database into textbox?

Jun 25 2013 8:20 AM
Hai Friends,
I ve the table like
create table users
user_id varchar(10),
username varchar(10),
password varchar(10),
designation varchar(10),
department varchar(10),
location varchar(10),
reportingto varchar(10)

insert into users(user_id,username,password,designation,department,location,reportingto)
like Trainees reporting =>salesman
in my login.aspx page ll use username & password to make login.
after the login page redirects to empdetails.aspx
now my requirements is
1) welcome+username right corner
(from here the details ll display from database)
2)name of employee = textbox
3)designation =textbox
4)department =textbox
5)location = textbox
6)reportingto=textbox(0001 that related code name ll display on that textbox)

how to make a code?

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