ana aly

ana aly

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how to design this database

Sep 27 2007 1:11 AM
hello. i plan to keep this data in sql database, only the distance between locations. im new with this.

Public Shared vertices() As String = {"Selandar", "ChinChin", "Jasin", "Merlimau"}
Public Shared edges(,) As Integer = {{0, 22, 16, 32}, {22, 0, 15, 26}, {16, 15, 0, 21}, {32, 26, 21, 0}}

as u can see...this is the distances that i want to keep in database..the problem is i have no idea on how to design it. could anyone please help me with this. what i got in my head is to design it like below, how can i transform this into the database?



Chin chin




Answers (4)