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How to create new directory in the preset upload folder

Jun 21 2004 2:14 AM
following is my code If Not butBrowse.PostedFile Is Nothing And butBrowse.PostedFile.ContentLength > 0 Then Dim fn As String = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(butBrowse.PostedFile.FileName) Dim strFolder As String strFolder = Session("User") Dim SaveLocation As String = Server.MapPath("Upload") & "\" & fn Try butBrowse.PostedFile.SaveAs(SaveLocation) Response.Write("The file has been uploaded.") Catch Exc As Exception Response.Write("Error: " & Exc.Message) End Try Else Response.Write("Please select a file to upload.") End If i am able to upload the file to the preset folder call "Upload" but i want to allow user to create new folder how can i do that? thanks

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