Mayank Jani

Mayank Jani

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How to create CrystalReportView programmatically?

Mar 18 2018 8:39 AM
Dear Members,
Greetings of the day...
I am facing an irritating problem with CrystalReportViewer (CRV). in a winform there are some textboxes and command buttons. when i click a button for view a crystal report, it pops up on the form hiding the other controls behind itself.
my problem affects me at the time of coding. when I want to see or change (size or place) the control, the CRV always remain on front (like it 'Bring to Front' applied) of the controls. so, I can not see the controls (textbox etc.)
Is there any way to create the CRV at runtime by coding like I do the same with DataGridView. Please note that the CRV remains hidden at the time of the form load as I have wrote the code that way. a buttons click event shows the CRV. but at the time of coding, it appears continuously...
Please see the codes I have searched and wrote...
 the library I have added is..
using CrystalDecisions.Windows.Forms;
//the code.
CrystalReportViewer crvOne = new CrystalReportViewer();

crvOne.Height = 350;
crvOne.Width = 650;

but it's not working. any help would be appreciated.
Thank You.
Mayank Jani

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