I work on some ui web tool on asp.net core blazor
i need to write csharp function convert this conditions to sql statement so
when i filter two columns as databasename and remarks
(databaseName == null ? "" : databaseName).ToLower().Contains("db_".ToLower()) and (remarks == null ? "" : remarks).ToLower().Contains("adc".ToLower())
so csharp function will convert text received to sql statement
databaseName like '%db_%' and Remarks like '%adc%'
so csharp function will return string and it will take only one parameters text
and it will return
i need to do it with dynamic way so may be it have one column filter may be 2 columns or 3 column filter
then convert it to sql statement
what i try but not give me exact result i need
public string ExtractKeyLikeValues(string input) { var pairs = new List<string>(); string[] substrings = input.Split(new[] { "Contains(" }, StringSplitOptions.None); foreach (string substring in substrings) { int index = substring.IndexOf(".ToLower()"); if (index != -1) { string key = substring.Substring(0, index).Trim().Split(' ')[0]; string value = substring.Substring(index + ".ToLower()".Length).Trim().TrimEnd(')'); pairs.Add($"{key} like '{value}'"); } } return string.Join(" and ", pairs); }