I'm currently working on a hotel management system's invoice (asp.net c#)... My question is that how to show the round off on a label example if the total amount is 8023.25 round off label should show .25 and totallabel should show 8023... Please can anybody help me with this {with code} ???}Actually i've tried the following code:public void texboxtolabel() { decimal amt; bool isAValid = decimal.TryParse(total.Text, out amt); decimal value = (decimal)amt; if (isAValid) popopop.Text = (amt - value).ToString(); durration(); amountintax(); amountinwords(); nameeee.Text = cname.Text; companynamee.Text = companyy.Text; gstinnnnn.Text = gstin.Text; phoneeee.Text = mobile.Text; addressss.Text = address.Text; boooookingid.Text = bookingno.Text; rooomnoo.Text = roomnumber.Text; nooffpersoon.Text = noofperson.Text; checkinnn.Text = from.Text; checkoutttt.Text = to.Text; tariff.Text = TextBox1.Text; amount.Text = price.Text; cgstamoount.Text = taxonpricehalf.Text; sgstamoount.Text = taxonpricehalf.Text; taxxxter.Text = taxwithdiscount.Text; roundoff.Text = popopop.Text; billamount.Text = value.ToString();
I'm currently working on a hotel management system's invoice (asp.net c#)... My question is that how to show the round off on a label example if the total amount is 8023.25 round off label should show .25 and totallabel should show 8023... Please can anybody help me with this {with code} ???
but it is not working