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How to bind data inside anchor tag using ag grid

Dec 9 2015 12:28 AM
Hi I am using ag grid to show the data.
 But I want id  column in anchor tag .
This is my columnDefs :
var columnDefs = [

{ headerName: 'Job ID', field: "JobID", width: 150 },

{ headerName: "Job Title", field: "Title", width: 90 },

{ headerName: "Must Have Skills", field: "MustHaveSkills", width: 120 },

{ headerName: "Experience", field: "Experience", width: 90 },

{ headerName: "# of Positions", field: "Vacancies", width: 110 },

{ headerName: "Location", field: "Location", width: 110 },

{ headerName: "Client", field: "ContactCompany.Name", width: 100 },

{ headerName: "Rate", field: "Rate", width: 100 },

{ headerName: "Recruiter", field: "Recruiter.FirstName", width: 100 },

{ headerName: "Account Manager", field: "AccountManager.FirstName", width: 100 },

{ headerName: "Creation Date", field: "CreatedDate", width: 100 }];