I have applied validation and it is working fine.
For ex.
[LocalizedRequired(ResourceName = (ResourceFile.Setting), ResourceKey = ServerSettingResources.Required)][LocalizedRegularExpression("[^<>]*$", ResourceName = (ResourceFile.Setting), ResourceKey = ServerSettingResources.IllegalCharacterMessage)]public string CustomField { get; set; }
It is working fine for illegal character.
This CustomField used for 2 to 3 views.
I am using boelow code in view-
@Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.CustomField , new { maxlength = "20" })@Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.CustomField, null, new { @id = "ValidationMessage" })
I want to apply email validation when my scenario for email at this time i want to apply email validation as well, otherwise i want to perform illegal character validation only.
How would i achieve this ?