Anas shaikh

Anas shaikh

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how to add dynamic textbox in the dynamic genrated table.

Apr 24 2015 2:17 AM
in this code, i had created a table and save it in a string format in  server side 
I Want to add dynamic table in the place html inpuut in the given code below 
string mid = " <tr class='cart_item'>" +
" <td class='product-remove'>" +
"</td>" +
" <td class='product-thumbnail'>" +
" <a href='StoreDetails.aspx?id=" + id + "'>" +
"<img src='" + thumb + "' " +
"class='attachment-shop_thumbnail wp-post-image' alt='" + pname + "' /></a> </td>" +
" <td class='product-name'>" +
" <a href='StoreDetails.aspx?id=" + id + "'>"+pname+"</a> </td>" +
" <td class='product-price'>" +
" <span class='amount'><i class='icon-inr'></i> " + cd.packsize + "</span> </td>" +
" <td class='product-price'>" +
" <span class='amount'><i class='icon-inr'></i> " + price + "</span> </td>" +
" <td class='product-quantity'>" +
" <div class='quantity buttons_added'>" +
"<input step='1' min='1' name='quantity' value='" + qty + "' title='Qty' class='input-text qty text ' id='txtqty" +"' size='4' type='text'>" +
"</td>" +
"<td class='product-subtotal'>" +
" <span class='amount'><i class='icon-inr'></i> " + (Convert.ToDouble(price) * qty) + "</span> </td>" +
cartInfo.InnerHtml += mid;

Answers (2)