tri pm

tri pm

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how to add dynamic rules based on user input to webconfig ?

Feb 1 2015 10:14 PM
I want to add a rule, the location path and allow roles determined based on user input .. example TextBox1 to provide location path and textbox 2 to provide a rule for the user.
I want the results in a web config as below:
<location path="Report/Default.aspx">
 <system.web> <authorization>
<allow roles="USER"/>
 </authorization> </system.web>

so far my c # code like this:
but I am confused to apply as I want :
 protected void AddRoleRule(string location, string selectedrole){        
Configuration config = WebConfigurationManager.OpenWebConfiguration(Server.MapPath("~/Web.config"));
 XmlDocument xDoc = new XmlDocument();
//if the rule exists update the rule

//create location element and the path attribute with it's value set to the
 //selected page
XmlElement newLocationelement = xDoc.CreateElement("location");
XmlAttribute newLocationAttrib = xDoc.CreateAttribute("path");
newLocationAttrib.Value = TextBox1.Text;
XmlElement newSystemWebelement = xDoc.CreateElement("system.web");
 XmlElement newAuthorizationelement = xDoc.CreateElement("authorization");
//create the allow element
XmlElement newAllowelement = xDoc.CreateElement("allow");
XmlAttribute newAllowAttrib = xDoc.CreateAttribute("roles");
//create the deny element
XmlElement newDenyelement = xDoc.CreateElement("deny");
 XmlAttribute newUsersAttrib = xDoc.CreateAttribute("users");
newUsersAttrib.Value = "*";
xDoc.PreserveWhitespace = true;
//write to web.config file using xml writer
XmlTextWriter xwriter = new XmlTextWriter(config.FilePath, null);