Ganesh Rajan

Ganesh Rajan

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How to add a custom value to Request Header ?

May 3 2015 3:48 PM
In my application, i have a aspx page ( demo.aspx ). my requirement is, I need to set a dynamic value to the header of each request made from this demo.aspx page. Basically i want to send a value from one page to another. I must not use query string. & also not to use session. because it is shared across all the pages. 
Another way i can explain this problem is, I have 2 pages. PageA.aspx & PageB.aspx.
First I will open PageA.aspx, where i have an anchor tag, refers to PageB.aspx. On Clicking that link, i will be redirected to PageB.aspx, & on the page load, I will get the referer ie( PageA.aspx ).  Here i need to get a value which is dynamically generated in PageA.aspx.
If there was another page called PageC.aspx, and if the user navigates to PageC.aspx from PageA.aspx, the same should be able to done.
I want to dynamically build the breadcrumb based on the users navigation. I am using session to keep track of all the navigation. Because of that i am facing some issues when the user open the application in multiple browser tab. Using Server Variable HTTP_REFERER i am able to get the previous page Url, even though it is client side navigation, but to uniquely identify the Referer, i want to send some ID with the Referer. 
Any idea ??? 

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