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how to acess datalist value using a button click.....

Mar 15 2019 3:17 AM
ok so here is the thing  i have a datalist with a video tag and two button one is for play and another is for repeat once the button 1 clicked it should play the video where the path is tored in database and the path is not visible in datalist but instead its accesed through just the button click how can i achive this..... thanks in advance
 here is the datalist with controlls .............
<asp:DataList ID="dListPlayer" runat="server" RepeatColumns="1" Style="border-collapse: collapse;
float: left; width: 550px !important; display: block; position: relative; margin-left: 15px;
margin-top: 30px;" OnItemDataBound="DataList1_ItemDataBound">
<div class="bt-bx" style="width: 780px !important;">
<div style="float: left;">
<input type="button" id="Listen" value="Listen" class="normal-but" onclick="showlesson(1, '<%# Eval("ptype") %>' );return PlayWordFile2('<%# Eval("FileName") %>');" />
<input type="button" title="Repeat" id="RepeatBtn<%# Eval("PassageId") %>" onclick="showlesson(2, '<%# Eval("ptype") %>' );return PlayWordFile2('<%# Eval("FileName2") %>');"
value="Repeat" class="normal-but" />
<div id="dvRoleBut" style="float: left;" runat="server" visible="false">
<input type="button" title="RolePlay" id="RolePlay" onclick="showlesson(3, '<%# Eval("ptype") %>' );return PlayWordFile2('<%# Eval("FileName3") %>');"
value="RolePlay" class="normal-but" />
<div style="float: left; display: none;">
<input type="button" title="Pause" id="PauseBtn" onclick="InsertStudentActivityCaption(this.title);isPartThreeEx = true; PauseAudio(this);"
value="Pause" class="normal-but" />
<input type="button" title="Compare" value="Compare" class="normal-but" id="CompareBtn_<%# (Eval("PassageId")).ToString().Trim().Replace(' ','_') %>"
onclick="InsertStudentActivityCaption(this.title)" />
<input type="button" id="btnSend" value="Send To Teacher" class="normal-but" onclick="return SubmitActivityWord('<%# Eval("PassageId") %>_<%# Eval("FileName2") %>');" />

Answers (2)