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How Do I: Setup a Control for a (String)

Jun 4 2010 3:36 PM

I am trying to setup a string in a Class to set the value of a string in the calling Form.
Below is the code that I have but I get an error on the underlined. Is my syntax wrong or do I have to use a special 'using'?
Form FromForm = (Form)TheControlEvent.FindForm();
String FromString = (String)FromForm.Controls.Find("RunAs", true);
I will also need to do this for a DataTable:  
DataTable FromDataTableRecord = (DataTable)FromForm.Controls.Find("DataTableRecord", true);

So: I am trying to get the value of a string called: "RunAs" from a form that I only have the name of as: Form FromForm = (Form)TheControlEvent.FindForm();

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