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How Do I: Get rid of redundant code? (Put in a userControl?) Part 2:

Apr 1 2010 12:13 PM

I have tried for two days now. I still can not get it to work. I have the following code that I have in every form. I would like to put it in one place and include it in all my forms. Like the C+ with the #include. Can someone give me a sample of how I can do it?
public FormICEPack()
Control TheControl = GetNextControl(null, true);
while (TheControl != null)
if (TheControl.GetType().Name == "TextBox")
TheControl.Enter +=
new EventHandler(Object_Enter);
TheControl.Leave +=
new EventHandler(Object_Leave);
//TheControl.Click += new EventHandler(Object_Click);
TheControl.MouseHover +=
new EventHandler(textBox_MouseHover);
TheControl.MouseLeave +=
new EventHandler(textBox_MouseLeave);
TheControl = GetNextControl(TheControl,

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