how do i display the name starting with any letter(A-Z,a-z) in textbox using

Jun 9 2007 8:57 AM
i want to display the name starting with any letter(A-Z,a-z) in textbox from sqldatabase through datagrid using windows application. for example, values are in datagrid like companyid companyname contactperson city 1 IBM rajesh Bangalore 2 Wipro kannan Chennai here companyid, companyname, contactperson,city are field name. companyid is primarykey. in my form there are 4 label and 4 textbox. 1st label name as Findlabel 2nd label name as companynamelabel 3rd label name as contactpersonlabel 4th label name as citylabel 1st textbox name as findtextbox 2nd textbox name as companytextbox 3rd textbox name as contactpersontextbox 4th textbox name as citytextbox i want to display company name starting with any letter.if i type wipro in findtextbox,then i click findbutton means the values will automatically diplay in other 3 textbox(ie..wipro in companytextbox,Kannan in contactpersontextbox,chennai in citytextbox). if i type IBM in findtextbox,then i click findbutton means the values will automatically diplay in other 3 textbox(ie..IBM in companytextbox, rajesh in contactpersontextbox,Bangalore in citytextbox). so i want to display starting with any letter.i am doing these project in windows application using help me.

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