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How do I Bind a DatagridView to the properties of the base object?

Jul 27 2007 7:50 PM

public interface ISurveyResult


bool IsSent { get; set; }

DateTime DateToSend { get; set; }

int SurveyRid { get; set; }

decimal SurveyResult { get; set; }

int FlagCount { get; set; }

DateTime DateSent { get; set; }

string Description { get;}


public interface IProviderSurveyResult : ISurveyResult


int ProviderRid { get; }

string ProviderName { get; }

WOG.Library.BO.Provider Provider { get;}


public interface ICareGiverSurveyResult : IProviderSurveyResult


int CareGiverRid { get; }

string CareGiverName { get; }




So I have a DataGridView Bound to a list of IProviderSurveyResults but it only gives me those 3 properties values how can I get it to show all the values from ISurveyResult as well? I tried adding the column manually but they still just display as blank. I know the objects being return have data as well. BEcause if I just delete ISurveyResult and add all those properties directly in IProviderSurveyREsult then the values display fine