Ayappan Alagesan

Ayappan Alagesan

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How can we get static access-token from facebook ?

Feb 12 2017 11:09 PM
I want to share a video in facebook through c#.the following code is working fine.But the access token which i used here is dynamic.so i need a static access token.
string UserAccessToken = "EAACEdEose0cBAPmGpJXPITMiL*************************Iogiku8kH9QgzC3pMbmmAca4ORDyVSPvc0sZAItmcKpInK3MjSJ8coNthVXjKGSq71JckcQkBDpm7IVwAtJzgz8t4g0abc6XSLgLZAhPbyx106YUcdfa0pd6TYxhQyJatZA5na7krMZD";
string message = "having fun";
string title = "hi";
string filePath = @"F:\Songs\funnybabyclip1.mp4";
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(UserAccessToken))
 string FileUploadUrl = string.Format("https://graph-video.facebook.com/me/videos?title={0}&description={1}&access_token={2}", HttpUtility.UrlEncode(message), HttpUtility.UrlEncode(title), UserAccessToken);
WebClient uploadClient = new WebClient();
 byte[] returnBytes = uploadClient.UploadFile(FileUploadUrl, filePath);

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