Chris Campbell

Chris Campbell

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How can I rewrite this LINQ to Entities query without getting the Parameterless Constructors error

Aug 14 2012 3:10 AM
I am matching Condo records to rental transactions or rather fixing an application that does.
- MatchFields is a class that inherits from an Abstract class which has an AutoMatic Property of type Condominium
- There is also a Condominium dBSet in the Context repository as well as a Class object Condomium. The syntax highlighted is as follows
"ReadWriteProperty_OfType_Condominium_Of_Class_ThatIheritsThePropertyFrom_an_AbstractClass = new CondominiumClassObject_OfType_Condominium(condoRecord_from_DbSet_ContextObject),"
I apologize if that is not very clear, unfortunately I can only give abstract info, not actual data here as I am prohibited under contract. Here is the exact Method below:
 private static List<MatchFields> GetMatchRecords(dBContextContainer context)

  List<MatchFields> match = (from condoRecord in context.Records
  from transRecord in context.ManyToManyResultMatch
  condoRecord.Area == transRecord.Area &&
  condoRecord.Address == transRecord.Address &&
  condoRecord.AptNo == transRecord.AptNo
  new MatchFields()
  Condominium = new Condominium(condoRecord),
  MatchRecords = transRecord,
 //MatchRecords contains data I have not figured out yet
  return match;

I am trying to fix a bug made by a previous developer on a project and I'm very new to LINQ and EntityFramework. The issue I'm running into is that on "Condominium = new Condominium(condoRecord),..." I get the fabled error "Only parameterless constructors and initializers are supported in LINQ to Entities" My problem resides in the fact that I understand the error message and its nature I do not know the syntax well enough to resolve the problem because I cannot visualize the solution. I've been fixing bugs left and right. Can anybody help me out here? I'm really stuck.

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