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how can I Resize the thumbnail image, and give it a specific dimensions

Apr 12 2005 4:02 AM
THUMBNAIL IMAGE: I AM READING THE BINARY FORMAT OF THE IMAGE FROM DATABASE, TO CONVERT IT INTO THUMBNAIL PICTURE, BUT HOW CAN I REDUCE THE SIZE? fOR INSTANCE IF IMAGE SIZE IS 20K CAN IT BE 10 K BY REDUCING ITS BYTE ARRAY? I AM DIVIDING ITS BYTEARRAY/2 TO DECREASE ITS SIZE. But I RECEIVING AN ERROR ( ERROR: (69): Operator '/' cannot be applied to operands of type 'byte[]' and 'int'). ALSO, I GAVE IT WIDTH=300 AND HEIGHT= 300 BUT ITS DEFAULT SIZE IS DISPLAYED ON THE PAGE AND NOTHING HAS BEEN CHANGED my code smaple: byte [] byteArray = (byte[]) ReaderObj["IMAGE_DATA"]; System.IO.MemoryStream mstream = new System.IO.MemoryStream((Int32.Parse(byteArray/2)),0,byteArray.Length); System.Drawing.Image thumbnailImage =dbImage.GetThumbnailImage(300,300,null, new System.IntPtr()); thumbnailImage.Save(mstream, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Gif);.... TECH: I AM USING C#.NET

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