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How can I make swap function in C#

Oct 28 2008 5:56 PM
pleases tell me how to swap numbers in this case. I try to do but the value of A[i] and A[0] cannot swap each other.

namespace HapInCSharp
    class heap
        int heap_size_;
        int priority_level_;
        public int []A = new int[50];

       public void Swap(int a, int b)
            int temp = a;
            a = b;
            b = temp;
        public void HeapSort(int[] A, int n)
            for (int i = n ; i >= 1; i--)
                  Console.WriteLine(" {0} {1} ", A[i], A[0]);
                  Swap(A[i], A[0]);     
                  Console.WriteLine(" {0} {1} ", A[i], A[0]);  

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