Surendra singh

Surendra singh

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how can i get multiple columns value from dropdown list ?

Sep 1 2011 7:58 AM
i have a tabe (Employee) which have 4 coloumns (empID,Name,Age,salary).
now i have filled data in dropdownlist. datatext field is Name and datavaluefield is  EmpID.
Now i have disposed dataset object ds.
now hw cn i get salary of selected employee from dropdownlist without interecting with database. i dont wnt to fire any query again to database. i wnt to take infromation abt salary from table that is bind with dropdown list

        ddlEmployee.DataSource = ds.table[0];
        ddlEmployee.DataTextField = "Name";
        ddlEmployee.DataValueField = "EmpID";
        ddlEmployee.Items.Insert(0, "select");

pls help me

Thank you

Answers (3)