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Display modified words count between two strings in

Aug 24 2016 8:26 AM
In my web application, i have two strings and i need to display modified words and count between them.<br /><div>For example:</div><div>&nbsp;</div> <strong>string s1="When you are writing server code you can never be sure what the IP address you see is refereeing to.In fact some users like it this way.";<br /></strong><div><strong> string s2="are wrting server code yu cannn never be sure what the IP address you see is to.In fact some users like it this way";</strong></div><div>&nbsp;</div><strong> the result should be, modified words : wrting,yu ,cannn ,refering<br /></strong><div><strong> modified words count :4</strong></div><div>&nbsp;</div>can anyone help me to how to do this. <br /><br />Thank you

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